10 Proven Tactics To Get Cash Through Blogs

April 4, 2020

We all want to make money one way or another, and nowadays the fastest way seems to be through the internet. One of the most well-known ways to make use of this technological advancement is to start a blog. Blogging can be a satisfying hobby, whereby you are set free to articulate your passions and interests in a variety of subjects. While all of that looks promising, blogging can also be used as an efficient gateway to make some extra cash or even turn it into a full-time job. Whether you are aspiring to run a hobby blog or a business blog, you can definitely get some monetary benefits out of it. An important key you should keep in mind is that blogging is not a quick cash path but if you implement certain tactics, in the long run, you may generate a good amount of money. Here are some strategies you can employ to help you through your blogging career.

Step 1: The Setup

This is the easiest and primary stage to commence, you can simply register a domain name and set up the blog. You must research to create an attractive domain name; this is important to attract more readers to your page. Later on, you can find an adequate web hosting sites, such as WordPress. If you are a beginner, you must try your best to keep everything simple. Do not overcomplicate the process so that you do not get lost along the way.

Step 2: Publishing

While the easy part is done, it is time to create original and interesting content that will be appealing to your readers. With that said, it is important to fully understand what great content is. With great content, your blog will receive viewer traffic and credibility that will, in turn, help you produce money.

Great content must be unique to your website’s image, meaningful and insightful. Make sure you keep in mind that readers visiting your website are here to learn or understand something, which is why an unbiased point of view is vital. Keep your language easy, and free of spelling and grammatical mistakes.

An important note to always keep in mind is to write consistently.

How To Make Money From Your Blog

Here are some tips to guide you through the many means to get cash out of your blog.

  • Advertisements

A common way to make money through blogs is to place advertisements on your site. There are two reliable ways to do so;

Cost per click ad. These ads are usually placed in your blog content or on the sidebars of the page, which generates cash for you every time a reader clicks on it.

Cost per 1000 impressions. This ad usually works when advertisers set their price for 1000 ads, and you get paid every time this ad appears on your site and is viewed by your reader.

  • Integrate Affiliate Links On Your Site

Affiliate links or affiliate marketing is another viable method to get cash through your blog. This step simply relies upon a product that certain marketers would like you to sell. You are given a direct link to this product, whereby each buyer that presses on the link from your website and purchases the product helps you generate a commission on the sale. The seller gives you a specific code, which allows you to track your sales and commissions.

  • Sell Sponsored Items

Sponsorship is just like what you are familiar with from TVs or radios, a company will pay you to talk about and promote their product through your posts.

  • Sell Digital

While promoting and selling physical products has its perks, you can also optimize your skills to market digital products. This can vary from; eBooks, online courses, images, videos, music, apps, and so on.

  • Write Reviews For Money

Although this is similar to sponsoring a product, however with reviews you get the chance to try the product and write about your honest thoughts and opinions.

  • Membership Programs

Another interesting way to get cash is to privatize your content. What this means is, you can create a member-only section, where only your avid and loyal readers get the chance to observe. This feature is easily doable through WordPress membership.

  • Charge For Social Media Sponsorships

If you happen to have found your natural balance between your blog and your social media and acquired a rather influential social media presence, then you can now use that presence to make some money. You can charge for posts or reposts.

  • Write As A Guest

If your blog has particularly shined on a topic, such as cooking or budgeting, other blogs may reach out and ask you to write a particular piece to be posted on their blog, with credits of course.

  • Promote Your Own Business

You can also utilize your blog for your own benefit, and advertise your own business. If you are trying to jump-start a personal business, then using your blog as a platform to get your word across is the best scenario.

  • Sell Your Services/Freelancing

This is an optimal situation to put to use some of the many skills you have acquired. Whether you have some admirable computer skills or graphic design talents, this can help you earn some extra cash and build up your expertise.

Making money through your blog is highly doable and somewhat easy, but measuring the scale of your earnings varies from one blogger to another. To make a decent outcome from your blogs, think about implementing a few of these above-mentioned methods, rather than focusing on just one.