Payday advance loan is a short-term financial solution, with a maximum amount based on your income. You can borrow anywhere between $100 to $2500. These loans allow you to properly respond to the financial emergency you’re experiencing at the moment, but they come with pretty high APR percentages-practically only downside of this service. Payday advance loans are repaid with the borrower’s paycheck in the manner agreed upon between the borrower and a lender. Usually, your next paycheck will cover it. In rare cases when you need a further extension, you can agree with your lender and repay him later. This is when the APR comes into play. You want to repay your loan just as quickly as you possibly can to avoid overpaying on interest charges.
With Shinycash you are luckily eligible for a payday advance loan even with bad credit. To submit a request for a cash advance with us, all you need is to fill out a simple form to be connected to a lender. Once you receive an offer in response to your submission, you can take your time and proceed only if you have made your mind up!
When Should You Consider A Payday Advance Loan?
Unfortunately, unpleasant surprises leading to financial distress happen way too often. Fortunately, you have the easy option of getting immediate assistance by applying for payday advance loans, which will help you cover urgent costs for moving, medical services, funerals and so on.
These particular loans should only be considered to resolve short-term financial necessities. We recommend seeking alternatives to taking out a payday advance loan if you won’t be able to repay it fast. However, if the need arises between your paychecks, when you need cash ASAP the better alternative to traditional loans doesn't have to be a challenge. By borrowing a payday advance loan you can avoid getting drawn into a vicious cycle of debt if you’re careful and responsible.
How To Apply For A Payday Advance Loan
Shinycash is an online platform connecting borrowers to a vast amount of direct lenders and allowing you access to the short-term financing solution you seek. Our online submission form is fast and easy. For those searching for payday advance loans, there’s no need to leave the comfort of your house to go to a loan service location near you. No need to drive through congested traffic, wait in line to speak to a customer service rep. The process of loan request should take no longer than five minutes to complete online from your smartphone, computer or any other device. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our decisions are made online, and if approved a lender will be in contact with you shortly.
Payday Loan Requirements
Each state has specific requirements for the payday advance loan customers.
Generally, to be considered eligible you must
- Be a US resident, 18 years of age and over
- Have a regular income of minimum $1000
- Have a valid driver’s license or ID
- Have an active bank account that can be used to accept electronic transfers
- Provide a working phone number and email address for verification
When to expect your cash?
If you fill your loan request and submit it before 5 p.m. PT on a weekday, you’ll normally have the money on your account balance during the next business day. If your submission was after hours, expect the money to arrive the next business day. In all cases, it only takes 1-2 business days for you to have the sum you requested at your disposal.
Using traditional loan services, or even pawn shops can never provide you the ease and convenience of our online operations. Especially when you have urgent bills pending to be paid and have no time to waste, there is a better, faster way to get money straight into your account.
We realize that payday doesn’t always come when you need it to. But with a fast, convenient payday advance loan you can be covered in all situations. When used effectively, a payday advance loan is better than late payments, over-drafts, over-the-limits, and reconnection fees.